Setting 2024 Intentions

I use to be a bit of a cynic regarding new years resolutions and “waiting” until the New Year to start new habits. I would create a vision board every year but without tangible metrics and ways to track towards my progress and idealized goals. I wanted to set the year up differently. I’ve seen a lot of growth in my wellness journey but it would be great to really visualize my progress and create an easier way to hold myself accountable to my goals. Additionally, life can sometimes run away from us and having a system that can encapsulate my various life domains has become essential to ensure I stay focused and energized towards my goals

Define the vision

What is is that I am looking to improve in my life?” Visualize different domains in your life that you seek to improve.





Outline habits that support your goals

Whether it’s waking up earlier, starting or enhancing a fitness routine, or eating healthier and journaling … define what will facilitate the inner work that will support your journey. How will you set up your day with intention? Focusing on these small habits can completely rewire the neurological pathways in your brain, making these small changes feel innate and intuitive.

Create goals that support your vision

The key to manifesting your vision is aligning your goals with it. Ask yourself, “How can my objectives directly contribute to the improvement areas I’ve visualized?” This alignment ensures that every step you take moves you closer to your desired state. It’s about crafting goals that are not just wishes but actionable, measurable steps towards your vision.

Create tasks to track your goals

Once your goals are set, break them down into manageable tasks. This step is crucial for turning your vision into reality. Each task acts as a stepping stone towards achieving your goals. Use tools like Notion or a planner to keep track of these tasks. This methodical approach not only keeps you organized but also provides a visual representation of your progress.



Remember, this journey is uniquely yours. It’s about finding what resonates with you, what sparks joy and progress in your life. As you move forward, you may find that your vision evolves, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s all part of your growth. Stay flexible, stay committed, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Here’s to a year of remarkable growth and achievement!

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